Vision Baptist Church

A Local New Testament Independent Baptist Church




Every born again Christian should belong, and be faithful to a scriptural, doctrinally sound, local church -- one that believes the Bible and practices what it says.


Church is not a place to go to be entertained, and worship is not swaying with the rythm of the music.  While many people have changed the meaning of church, the Bible has not changed.


A church that pleases God MUST demonstrate certain important traits.  We believe that . . .


  • The pure word of God is the most important part of worship
  • Getting the Gospel to lost souls is our primary task
  • We must teach believers to reject the world and follow Christ
  • Only music which is pleasing to the Lord Jesus Christ is acceptable
  • We must send missionaries around the world to plant churches
  • Doctrine matters; the Bible decides what is true or false
  • We are to reach our community by bringing lost souls to Christ


If you have any questions, please contact us using the contact form on this web site.